File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 2

Date: 09 Aug 96 09:42:43 EDT
Subject: Re: Stalin explained

Definition of capitalism fro me is that accumulating capital is the central
factor which decides what gets produced. and that the process is controlled by a
minority. What the minority call themselvesis not too important ( sinc ethe
thirties some of these minorities got into calling themselves communist).
	 Now this absolute priority can take different forms (producing arms to
fight wars to make sure your national capitals don't get taken by someone else,
for example). 
	It's because of accumulation that people have to work faster and faster
especially in a crisis.
	Sorry to be brief, but lots of work at present.

	John Mullen
Socalisme International

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