File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 24

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 00:19:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: The mind (and myth) of Stalin

When Unka Joe wasn't busy giving blowjobs, liquidating kulaks, or sending 
people to the gulag, he turned his attention to more noble pursuits, such 
as the royal game.... (The following example, supposedly played in Moscow 
in 1926 between Stalin and GPU boss Nikolai Yezhov is taken from *The 
Encyclopedia of Chess* by Harry Golombek, New York: Crown Publishers, 1977).

White -- Stalin                            Sicilian Defense
Black -- Yezhov

1. P-K4  P-Qb4  2. N-kb3 P-Q3  3. P-Q4 PxP 4. Nxp N-Kb3  5. N-Qb3 Qn-Q2  
6. B-K2 P-Qr3  7. O-O P-K3  8. P-B4 P-Qn4  9. P-Qr3 B-N2  10. B-b3 Q-N3
11. B-K3 Q-B2  12. Q-K2 B-K2  13. P-Kn4 N-B4  14. Q-N2 O-O  15. QR-Q1 
Kr-K1  16. P-N5 KN-Q2  17. R-Q2 P-K4  18. N-B5 N-K3  19. NxB4 RxN  20. 
P-B5 N-Q5  21. P-B6 R(k2)-K1  22. B-R5 P-N3  23. BxP RPxB  24. Q-R3 N-K3  
25. Q-R6 Q-Q1  26. R-B3 NxBP  27. PxN R-QB1  28. R(Q2)-B2 QxP  29. RxQ 
R-B2  30. N-Q5 BxN  31. PxB N-B1  32. B-N5 N-R2  33. RxQP P-K5  34. B-K3 
R(B2)-K2  35. B-Q4 P-B3  36. BxP NxB  37. R(B6)xN Resigns

Golombek (a British chess master) offers the comment that the game is 
"almost certainly an invention."

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