Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 12:19:42 -0400 (EDT) Subject: The Flaming Path The current (8/27) edition of the _Village Voice_ has an article by Richard Gehh called "The Flaming Path" which m2-ers may want to check out. The article, subtitled "What happens when rhetoric becomes evidence?", concerns a flame war on the glorious, heroic, revolutionary, not-to-be-mentioned undead list that may have led to the arrest of Juan Calero, a Connecticut landscaper, by the FBI and his possible extradition to Peru. A Toronto reporter, K.K. Campbell, believes that a post written by Luis and Marcella Quispe, two Shining Path supporters, may have led to Calero's arrest. That post was written as part of a long flame between Campbell, Adolfo Olaechea, and the Quispes. Calero, the article reports, is currently being held in isolation at the Metropolitan Correctional Facility. Jerry --- from list ---
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