File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 56

Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 16:16:48 -0600
Subject: Calero, new lists

Jukka, the Calero story is related to the shining stuff.

Calero is a refugee from Peru, possibly considered by the Fujimori
regime to be on the side of the rebels.  He applied for asylum here,
and all seemed to be going well, til he was arrested the day of his
asylum hearing.

This may have been precipitated by some shining "supporters" of the
revolution publicly claiming on m1 that someone of his description
[family details and events] belonged to their group.  

But if anyone wants more than that on this story, check out a recent
article in the Village Voice, or go to the Spoon m1 archives.  I get
to it thru the WWWeb.  As you step down toward the current file of m1
posts, look on the menu for an item called "eyenet".  This is a
compilation of articles from eyeNet, an e-zine, articles written by a
journalist member of m1, known onlist as Zodiac.  VV picked it up
>from there.  

But Jerry, there are so many other good reasons to expand and
diversify marx-space.  There may be an unmoderated marxism-general
list and a moderated one, I don't know yet.

I hope to see some of you propose something.  Send your proposals to

I hope to find time to post on Origin of Species and several other
things.  This space could be used for wrapping up some loose-ended
conversations that we didn't get back to yet, if we like.


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