Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 18:30:12 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: The Flaming Path Jukka asked: > > Calero, a Connecticut landscaper, by the FBI and his possible extradition > > to Peru. A Toronto reporter, K.K. Campbell, believes that a post written > > by Luis and Marcella Quispe, two Shining Path supporters, may have led to > > Calero's arrest. That post was written as part of a long flame between > Why this Calero was arrested? >From the _Village Voice_ artcle by Richard Gehr: "A sympathetic lefty who specializes in 'Net loons,' Campbell obviously had a blast baiting his humor-impaired Queens correspondents. The flames and ridicule continued until May 10, when the Quispes unloaded another barrage of all-caps invective against Campbell and their other enemies: 'TALKING ABOUT FUJIMORA AND HIS PRISON SENTENCES TO PERUVIAN EXILES: ... THREE OF OUR MEMBERS WERE ALSO SENTENCED (ONE ACCUSED OF BEING A MEMBER OF THE PEOPLES ARMY IN CAJATAMBO-LIMA, HIS WIFE WAS ARRESTED RECENTLY IN LIMA FOR RENTING A ROOM TO AN ALLEGED 'MEMBER OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE') TO LONGTERM PRISON SENTENCES. DO WE MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT IT TO PROMOTE OURSELVES LIKE THE CHARLATAN ... OLAECHEA DOES? _The New Flag_'s cryptic references to members of their 'clandestine organization' may well have been noticed by either the feds or Peru's intelligence agency, SIN. On May 30, Jay Miles, director of Detroit's leftist Peru Support Committee, heard reports that Calero was arrested by the FBI on his way to a hearing on his application for political asylum. It was at this point, says Campbell, that the flame throwing 'stopped being a joke'. Campbell thinks that the Quispe post may well have led to Calero's arrest. In any event, the Peruvian government had issued a warrant identifying him as a terrorist who participated in the murder of police and civilians in 1991. Never mind that this was more than a year after he'd left the country. <...snip...> Contacted by e-mail, _The New Flag_ maintains the fateful post did not refer to Calero. 'His wife was not the only one arrested by the trumpted-up charge "renting a room to terrorists." Lori Benson ... and several others were.' Calero, they add, 'was attending immigration hearings regularly for two years prior to his arrest. He didn't need anyone to finger him out, he went by himself to the wolf's mouth'. But the folks at _The New Flag_ remain convinced that Campbell is a 'counterintelligence operative' and Olaechea 'mercenary,' so it's hard to say whether their protestations hold water." [BTW, the graphic accompanying the article is interesting. It shows a hand on a computer mouse which is connected to what appears to be a man in an electric chair]. Jerry --- from list ---
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