Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 09:45:16 -0400 (EDT) Subject: More on Mullen I really do appreciate John Mullen's anxiety with regard to ideological covers for state capitalist mischief. But to blame all libertarian ideology for the actions of U.S. and Western imperialism and neofascism would be no different than blaming ALL socialist types, including the ones on this list, for the Gulag. We need to get past the blame, and start talking to one another. You are right that "long live the free market" is NOT about leaving the market alone today. It is about state bailouts, the permanent war economy (even without the Soviet Union as nemesis), regulating peoples' personal mores, state-sponsored regulations, subsidies, and the like designed to squelch competition, and boost the presence of multi-national corporations. You are also right that we cannot separate the economic structures of society from their concrete political results... but hard-core libertarians and Marxists agree on more than you think. The main difference between us, from MY perspective, is that in the internality of economic and political preconditions and results, Marxists give emphasis to what they view as the economic causal agents; libertarians put far more emphasis on the role of the state in shaping those agents, perpetuating predation, and becoming the prime agency of coercion and exploitation (though our notions of what constitutes exploitation differ). Since the economic and political can't be separated, it therefore means that we understand the interpenetration of state and capital, and the concentration of capital in general, not as results of some pure free market, but as a necessary consequence of the predatory state. That's how most libertarians see it -- hence, it is why many of them are anarchists. Hope we can dispense with the ideological wars here; and really chat about some of the important issues raised. - Chris =================================================Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Ph.D Visiting Scholar, NYU Department of Politics INTERNET: ================================================= --- from list ---
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