File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 76

Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 14:47:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: More on Mullen

On Sun, 25 Aug 1996, Chris M. Sciabarra wrote:

> You are right that "long live the free market" is NOT about leaving the
> market alone today.  It is about state bailouts, the permanent war economy
> (even without the Soviet Union as nemesis), regulating peoples' personal
> mores, state-sponsored regulations, subsidies, and the like designed to
> squelch competition, and boost the presence of multi-national
> corporations.  

	Curiously how do you feel about free competition tending to 
result in horizontal mergers, thus making competition tend towards
resulting in monopoly. Could you summarize your position, and/or provide a
reference to works that address this subject that you agree with?

	Also, does your understanding of imperialism include Lenin's idea
that imperialism is principally the dividing of markets and resources amongst
corporations? Specifically what forms of imperialism are you against?
Could you state your definition of imperialism for the list briefly? 


Cols, Oh

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