Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 19:46:10 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Marx Math Jukka wrote: > I tried to categorise proposals into few groups in order to get a > clearer picture of what seems to be somehow - at least to me - working > basic plan for near future. Groups are: Basics, Specialities, and > "Basic Theories" (in lack of better name). At the end I left proposals > that seems to be too loaded or of which I didn't got the idea. I might > have left out some proposals when cutting and uncutting lines, sorry > for that! (And I put some suggestions. -Jukka) In other words, the listing below is an *understatement* of possible lists. Let's do some math: > I Basic lists: <snip> [-2-] > II "Basic Theories" (because some themes have been basic ones - > this is just an idea): these are must ones? [-8-] > III Specialities: in several ways related to basic theories > and to each others [-16-] > The rest, forget them as such: > * a specialized list about accumulation, imperialism, and ideology > Ideology, culture & marxist politics > Theory of the state, globalism and internationalism [-3-] ====================================-29- = TOTAL OF POSSIBLE LISTS SO FAR [!!!] ==================================== Quite obviously, although we could think of potentially hundreds (or more) of lists related to marxism, I sincerely doubt if: a) there are enough people to make all of the lists work, and; b) whether the Spoon Collective is willing to support 29 or more separate lists. It might help the process if the people on the marx-administration list or the spoon-administration list gave us an idea of the maximum amount of marxism-related lists that they are willing to support. Jerry --- from list ---
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