File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 83

Subject: Hate groups on the Net
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 04:16:22 -0000


Some ISP's in the UK have stopped carrying a number of newsgroups that
Scotland Yard informed them as being pornographic in content. The list that
the Yard sent out comes to some one hundred and twenty three in total.
Surprisingly not one of them was political. And not one was a Hate Group. 

Have received the following from _Net Happenings_ which you might be
interested in:

>Date:    Wed, 21 Aug 1996 12:11:06 -0500
>Subject: WWW> *Announcement* : A Guide to Hate Groups on the Internet

>On July 19, 1996 the Harvard Law Library brought up a comprehensive
>guide to hate groups entitled, "A Guide to Hate Groups on the Internet"

>This guides links to the home pages of groups who use the net to
>spread hate propaganda, their listservs and usenet groups and links to
>those who monitor these organizations Also included on our page is a
>bibliography of related articles You may wish to link this into your
>own page. If you do please let us know by email. If you have any
>questions feel free to email us at your convenience.
>The Editors
>"A Guide to Hate Groups on the Internet"
>Harvard Law School Library

I believe that these Hate Group people are just as pornographic as
those dealing with purely sexual matters. 


Mike Jovic

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