Date: 26 Aug 96 10:25:04 EDT Subject: Re: More on Mullen Fame at last, I never expected to se my name in the subject area of a posting! Mr. Sciabarra says that Marxist tend to emphasize economic and social engines, whereas libertarians emphasize the state. This is true both for pro-capitalist and anti-capitalist libertarians. The big question (and I think ideological battle is just fine, preferably in a comradely style) is "Where does the state come fromand what is it for?". For revolutionary socialists, the State is a necessary and inevitable outcome of the division of society into classes. It comes into being at a certain moment in history, plays a specific role. I would like to hear libertarians talk about this one. I think that left anarchists ( the kind I know and like best) tend to reify the state (ie take it as a given). For the debate between left anarachists and revolutionary socialists. there are two questions : cooperation where possible in practice ( here in Paris with the struggle of immigrants for residenc epapers this week both RSs and As have been very active, and most fraternal). But in ideas there is a clear break, and I think, no possible synthesis. I won't go through the whole argument here. I think the seriously interested should compare (as far as is comparable) the bolshevik's activity in 1917 to anarchist activity in Spain in 1936 : that is the two main historical tests, when the two forces each (and for the only time so far) had the support of the main section of the working classin a crisis situation. Naturally, I personally believ the balance to come down on the side of the bolsheviks. I believe the Spanish anarchists lost when they could have won (losing in itself is not shameful, of course, but it is when you could have won). Finally, and otherwise, I certainly don't blame libertarian ideology for imperialism, any more than (if I might be allowed to throw out another of my oratorical flourishes) I blame puddles for rainstorms. :-) John Mullen S.I. France --- from list ---
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