File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-05.145, message 98

Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 00:26:17 +0000
Subject: lists

In reply to Jerry's post,
there is no particular number of m-lists that Spooon will support, or 
pre-set place to draw the line.  As we add them, we will see what 
happens.  We're thinking about having m-lists run a bit more 
autonomously than most spoon-lists of the past, which would make it 
easier to have more of them.

But really such a question is a long way off.  Most of the catalog of 
suggestions is not going to happen unless there is a moderator, and very 
few of the suggestions included volunteers to moderate.  "Mod" in this 
context implies nothing about the policies of the list, it's just that 
someone has to take some initiative in writing a list info sheet, having 
an idea, proposing it and running some minimal tech functions.

Which reminds me, it seems a common pattern for people to make lots of 
suggestions without being willing to put in any work themselves.  We the 
people can surely generate some lists that _we_ want to be in, with 
Spoon providing technical support, can't we?


     --- from list ---


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