File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-20.183, message 104

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 96 08:54:32 GMT
Subject: Re:  sudden death (fwd)

I too was shocked by the news of Lisa's death. I was looking
forward to carrying on the ongoing debate about science and
marxism with her.

When I discussed and argued with Lisa, I always felt that
I was talking with someone who had a deeply felt opposition
to oppression of any kind, and also a genuinely open minded
and but also rigourous approach to thinking about the problems
of science and society.

While Lisa never became a Marxist in the sense I mean it, this 
open minded rigour to her thought made conversing with her via
email a stimulating and educational experience for me.

Perhaps the best tribute I can pay to her is to say that she made
biology become interesting to me, whereas it never had been before
I had met her. Her materialist rigour forced me to reexamine aspects
of my own political tradition, and I shall remain grateful to her
for this for ever.

If we can all approach the natural world and society in the way that
Lisa did, we stand a good chance of making the world a better place.


Adam Rose


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