Date: 17 Sep 96 02:19:31 -0300 Subject: Re: the state (fwd) Adam says: AR> "The state" == "armed bodies of men". If '=='means an introductor of a definition, then your definition implies that the departament of police of Manchester is the State of Manchester. But that's counterintuitive for us. Then: we should say that organised violence is a necessary condition for State, but not sufficient. AR> A state is only necessary when only armed force can resolve AR> conflicts. AR> The argument is not that differences cease to exist in a fully AR> communist society. It is that these differences are not of a AR> fundamental nature, and that therefore there will be no need for AR> armed force to resolve them. It is clear that A fundamental cause of violence will cease under communist society (namely: class division and class struggle). But, on the basis of what we can say that won't be OTHER causes apparently not fundamental now, but may be 'fundamental' later?. AR> The conflicts will not be over important issues like "do we AR> execute the leaders of the counter revolution we have just AR> captured ?" , "shall we allocate resources to the first AR> world or the first world" or "how do we deal with rapists ?". AR> These questions can only arise in the immediately post revolutionary AR> period, variously described as "socialism", the "lower stage of AR> socialism", the "dictatorship of the proletariat", etc etc. AR> In this stage of society, the majority will dictate to the minority, AR> ( for the first time ever in history ) if neccessary by using armed AR> force. AR> The conflicts in a fully communist society will be over issues as AR> important as "shall we paint our new community brain surgery blue AR> with white spots or pink with grey stripes ?". And how future generations AR> resolve such questions is up to them - and there is not much point us AR> speculating about it. I think that we have to speculate a little, because transitions are very dramatic historical momments where much people use to dye. We have to discuss about how to organise our future autonomous power, in order to avoid burocrats to arrogate our right to it on the basis of some "practical" problem we have never discussed a little before in advance. This would not be a return to authoritarian plans like uthopian socialists'. It is simply an exercise of political imagination, which is one of the conditions of revolutionary politics and a condition of its victory. Pablo Gilabert, Buenos Aires, Argentina. -- |Fidonet: Pablo Gilabert 4:900/109.26 |Internet: | | Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own. --- from list ---
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