File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-20.183, message 117

Date:  Thur, 19 Sep 1996   13:14:18  +0100
Subject: No, not Lisa!!!

I have to write.

I come back from a three-day sick-leave and just
stare in disbelief at some of the headlines in my
inbox. I hope against hope that all it means is that
Lisa's decided to stop moderating and concentrate
on her studies. I hesitate to open the mail, but
finally open Ralph's.

Now I'm beginning to realise how much of my
thoughts lately have been about my next post to
Lisa, and of course her replies to my previous
ones. This list may be virtual, but the people on
it are real, as is my sorrow.


PS to all of you who have posted (and will post)
about your personal feelings and experiences:
Listening to others makes the impossible task of
merely understanding the loss of Lisa a little
easier. Thank you.  

     --- from list ---


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