File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-20.183, message 121

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 14:07:18 -0400 Thu Sep 19 14:05:57 1996
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 96 15:30:52 PDT
From: Revolutionary History <>
To: rp contents - to post -- rp contents <>,
Cc: marxism2-AT-jefferson.village.virginia.EDU,
Subject: Revolutionary History
Precedence: bulk

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Revolutionary History

The latest issue of Revolutionary History (Volume 6, no 2/3, 320 pages)
presents a wide range of material on revolutionary Marxism in Britain,
Ireland and Russia that has not been published before.
* The origins of the Trotskyist movement in Ireland.
* CLR James and the Trotskyist movement in Britain.
* Trotskyism and Stalinism in Britain during the time of the
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
* The Stalinists and Trotskyists during the national docks strike of 1945.
* The Revolutionary Communist Party and the shop stewards movement.
* The demise of the Revolutionary Communist Party in 1949.
* The development of Gerry Healy's Club and the Socialist Labour League up
until the mid-1960s.
* Previously unpublished letters by Rosa Luxemburg on Bolshevism and the
Russian Revolution.
Price (including postage): UK =A36.75, Europe =A37.25, elsewhere =A38.25.

Editor: Al Richardson
Deputy editors: David Bruce & Ted Crawford
Reviews editor: Jose Villa
Business Manager: Barry Buitekant
Production & Design Manager: Paul Flewers

Published by Socialist Platform Ltd, BCM 7646, London WC1N 3XX, United
E Mail address:

Back issues available
Volume 1
All sold out
Volume 2
No 1: Revolutionaries and major class struggles, =A33.00
No 2: Trotskyism in Argentina and Scandinavia; glasnost and Trotsky, =A33.00
Nos 3 and 4: Sold out
Volume 3
No 1: Stalinism and Communism in Eastern Europe, =A33.00
No 2: Trotskyism in Vietnam, =A33.00
No 3: Trotskyism in Greece, =A33.45
No 4: Trotskyism and the Second World War, =A33.45
Volume 4
Nos 1/2: Special double issue on the Spanish Civil War, 400 pages, =A310.95
No 3: The Bolivian Revolution of 1952 and the Trotskyist movement, =A33.45
No 4: South African Trotskyism, =A34.00
Volume 5
No 1: The German labour movement and the rise of Hitler, 1929-33, =A33.45
No 2: Germany 1918-23: From the November Revolution to the failed October,
No 3: Victor Serge special, =A36.95
No 4: Left Communism and Trotskyism in Italy, =A34.75
Volume 6
No 1: Trotskyism in Poland, repression of the left in 'People's Poland',
Solidarnosc, the church and the state, =A34.75
Prices shown for UK, including postage. Europe: add 50p, elsewhere add

Special Offer!
All available back issues, plus subscription to Volume 6. UK: =A365, Europe:
=A370, elsewhere =A380.
Non-UK orders in Pounds Sterling by International Money Order. Cheques or
IMOs payable to Socialist Platform Ltd. Send orders to: Socialist Platform
Ltd, BCM 7646, London WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom.

Name: RH
Date: 09/16/96
Time: 13:39:03

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