File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-20.183, message 122

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 96 11:27:11 GMT
Subject: Dogmatism and Action

[ Some more musings ]

I also think that "Dogmatism" is a charge levelled at 
people who act. In order to act decisively, it is necessary
to be dogmatic.

When the course of action is not obvious, when a number of different
factors need to be balanced, it needs great open mindness, a combination
of art and science, to determine what the right course of action is.

But once the decision has been made, the decision has to be implemented
dogmatically. Precisely because the course of action is not clear, in
order to resolve the situation in practise, it is necessary to be dogmatic
about the proposed resolution. It is only in this way that an open minded
assessment of the correctness of the proposed resolution to mthe unclear
situation can be made : if you implement a solution half cock in an unclear
situation, it will never work, precisely because of the complexity of the


Adam Rose


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