File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-20.183, message 145

Date: 20 Sep 96 14:31:48 EDT
Subject: Re: Marx - not a Marxist?

It's not true that TRotsky didn't call himself a Leninist.... IN all the debates
at the end of the 1920s, he referred to his group as the "bolshevik leninists".
Because he thought that Lenin's METHOD was essentially correct, and that Stalin
and Bukharin were using the name of Lenin to defend theopposite. As in fact they
were. When they introduced the theory of "socialisme in one country" they used
isolated quotes of Lenin to sugest that he would have agreed. Trotsky's
counterarguments are a joy to read.
John Mullen

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