Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 22:35:49 GMT Subject: Re: Re: marxism2-digest V1 #242 On Wed,Sep 11, 1996 4:17:55 PM, wrote: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: marxism2-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU > ><< In reply to Justin S's view that we must still keep what must be the >POLITICAL > state under communism. > This is NOT so in the main as Marx and Engels point out . > Antagonistic classes and class struggle will not exist under communism. >neither > will > exploitation of persons by persons. There will be no ruling class. Scarcity >and > privativation and parasitism will be no more. Abundance prevails ! no waged > labor -- FREE ACCESS! >> > >This is argument by utopian definition. Since communism is, by definition, >the elimination of all exploitation, class struggle and conflict, the state >will not exist. If you like to argue by definition, this is fine; it makes >for good catechism, and you can keep the faith alive, but just don't try real >politics. > >What Justin said, if I read him correctly, was that even if a society which >abolished all class struggle was established, there would still be a number >of other functions of a modern, diverse and pluralist society which could >only be performed by a state. Returning to pure definitions is not a >response, but an appeal to tautological argument. > > The point of Marx's and Lenin's definition of communism is *to point the way to mankind's proper historical goal.* They were very explicit that reaching this goal would take a prolonged evolution, stretching over the several generations it will require to establish a global society of abundance based on technologies far transcending what is presently feasible--and also (Lenin in State and Revolution is as explicit as possible about this) a transformed human nature that has eliminated greed and achieved a truly ecological individual and social consciousness. Justin's and Leo's claim that there are "functions of a modern, diverse and pluralist society which could only be performed by a state" implies that they conceive a communist society on the basis of present "modern" technology and human nature. Stalin and his disciples have abundantly proven that the claim to construct "socialism" or "communism" on such a basis is nothing but a pretext for exploitative totalitarian rule. Shane Mage --- from list ---
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