Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 23:15:07 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: the state On 11 Sep 1996, jc mullen wrote: > That societies need organization, debate and factionalism is beyond dispute. The > mistake Justin makes is assuming that this is the basis of the oppresive, > repressive, and/or exploitative state. Complexity gives organization gives > factionalism gives oppression. This is a perfectly respectable, Conservative, > opinion. But that is what it is. I actually do note the inference from factionalism to oppression that Mullen attributes to me. I do think that specialization and factionalism create risks of oppression from authoritative bodies which are both necessary and dangerous. I am in that sense what Kevin called a Madisonian. But I do not think that these risks must degenereate into oppression. They will do so, however, ifd we fail to acknowledge the dangers and provide mechanisms to deal with them. Madison had some good ideas here about checks and balances, insufficient, but indispensible. Insofar as my views are characterizeda s "conservative," I don't mind. I prefer "realistic" and "democratic" but you can call them what you like as like as you either acknowledge their trith or explain their falsity in terms that don't obviously beg the question. Real conservatives, defenders of capitalism, tend not to be very fond of my idea that capitalists are superfluous, exploitative parasites and that the workers cam govern themselves. But "govern" is the operative word. Taht means authorative, hence demo9cratically suspect, institutional structures. If that's what you mean by conservative, I welcome the label. --Justin --- from list ---
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