Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 16:40:20 -0400 Subject: Re: marxism2-digest V1 #244 In a message dated 96-09-11 21:34:06 EDT, Shane Mage writes: << Justin's and Leo's claim that there are "functions of a modern, diverse and pluralist society which could only be performed by a state" implies that they conceive a communist society on the basis of present "modern" technology and human nature. Stalin and his disciples have abundantly proven that the claim to construct "socialism" or "communism" on such a basis is nothing but a pretext for exploitative totalitarian rule. >> Justin can and will speak for himself. For my own part, I believe the vision of communism elaborated in Marx -- a direct association of producers which is a transparent, unmediated society without any mediated, indirect social forms {markets, representative bodies} -- is thoroughly utopian, and thus, unrealizable. Morever, since this utopian conception occupies a space in Marxian theory which could and should be taken up with meaningful discussions of alternative forms of social organization, it has a deleterious effect on the theoretical tradition. --- from list ---
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