Date: Thu, 12 Sep 96 08:25:42 GMT Subject: Re: coercion Lisa writes: > > Now Tony, > Isn't it idealist or utopian or something to imagine a world in which > nobody will ever even try to do something that others would want to put > a stop to? > > Under communism, will no one ever physically assault another, rape or > molest a child, steal or destroy personal property, or extort something > from someone else? > > And if some people began to appropriate the products of others in the > original developments of classes, might not some people try to do the > same again? If classes are truly dissolved, what will stop them coming > back? > I think in an immediately post revolutionary society, the old habits and old classes will constantly reestablish themselves. Therefore the majority, through their state, will have to oppress the minority in order to enforce their will. The majority's control of economic power will make armed, state coercion unnecessary in many cases, but when it comes down to it, the workers state has armed power at its disposal, and various mechanisms for deciding how and when to use it. In such a socialist society, I think there will be real divisions on real issues of substance, such as "do we allocate resources to the first or the third world ?". Such decisions will be of critical importance to the survival of the new society. But as a socialist society establishes itself, and begins to transform itself into a really communist society, the old habits will die out, After a couple of generations of a socialist society, no, there will be no rape, assault, or child abuse. because the social and economic causes of them will gradually disappear. The need for a coercive state dissappears, as the causes of the real substantive divisions dissappear. There will be no real substantive divisions over "do we allocate resources to the first or the third world ?" becuase the economic gap between "first" and "third" worlds will have been eliminated, and both will be better off than the first world is today. Of course, there will be divisions. But they will be along the lines of "shall we paint our new community hospital red with blue spots or green with orange tinting ?". Quite how a future communist society sorts that one out, I don't care to predict - but I doubt if there will be much coercion necessary. Adam. Adam Rose SWP Manchester UK --------------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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