File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-20.183, message 61

Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 00:13:06 +0100
Subject: Re: the state

Thanks for a nice post, John.

>Take away the reason for exploitation, the reason for separate
>material interests, and you take away this tendency to domination. The
>factionalism which is left is quite different : it is debate about how best to
>serve common interests, and that is fun.

You ought to know that Justin (I liked the "Justine" for all the overtones
but it's wrong) argues fairly and from principles (non-Marxist) and has the
courage of his bourgeois-democratic convictions, as far as I've been able
to observe. So the "tone" you object to is just him saying he disagrees --
as he's bound to.

>I ought to say that I find Justin's tone "sorry to rain onthe parade etc."
>pretty pathetic.

If Justin could only realize that societies develop very different
relationships between people (that are reflected in their heads as "human
nature" more often than not) on the basis of the mode of production, and
that all this is a historical process, so that what is valid for one
historical mode of production is not at all necessary for another, then we
might just have the makings of a fine Bolshevik.



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