Date: 14 Sep 96 15:51:18 EDT Subject: Re communist society One thing that concerns me about the present debate, and a problem which comes up frequently in discussion is that many participants assume that it is a matter of choosing between the status quo (which hasmany horrors but which has good points : good films, some free speech etc) and the furture socialists society. >from this perspective many people choose "the best bits" from each, and this leads people to come up with absurdities such as market socialism. But where isthe dynamic. the status quo is getting more an dmore unstable, and promises us unlimited supplies of third wolrd countries crushed by the debt, famine, war, unemployment, crime etc etc. the status quo is no longer available for choosing, it is slowly collapsing. In this context it is clear that wehave to choose not a new typeof salad made up of elements of social organization we saw in a shop windowand which pleased us, but a new dynamic. There is only in my opinion, two on offer. the dynamic of control by capital accumulation (profit) and the dynamic of control by organized labour. In this horse race, you cant' say "well, I'll bet onthat horse's head but onthe other horses back legs." John Mullen SI France --- from list ---
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