Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 05:22:21 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Marx - not a Marxist? (fwd) > Jorn quotes gerry: > > > too many > > > "Marxists" have become "fundamentalists" -- which brings to mind Marx's > > > statement that he was not a Marxist > I believe it was in the context of the formation of the German SPD. > I believe there were lots of people running around calling themselves > Marxists but were really still Lasalleans > But I'm quite willing to be corrected. This question is discussed in Joseph O'Malley and Keith Algozin ed. _Rubel on Karl Marx_ (Cambridge University Press, 1981). See especially the essay "The 'Marx legend,' or Engels, founder of Marxism" in that volume. Marx's statement that "All I know is that I am not a Marxist" was directed against, according to Engels, the *sectarian disciples* especially "'among certain of the French' around 1870-80, but that his reproach also applied to a certain group of intellectuals and students within the German party" (_Rubel on Karl Marx_, p. 10). Jerry --- from list ---
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