File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-09-20.183, message 94

Date: 17 Sep 96 14:41:25 EDT
Subject: Re: the state

Going to sleep and trusting leaders of society not to abuse their power is not
something that people do naturally. Capitalist society has to work tremendously
hard to put down layers of discouragement, cynicism, hopelessness, passivity,
submission, obedience, laziness  and other such dirt on our minds. Capitalist
society fits the mountain of what we know a human being can be into a teaspoon.
when a generation has gone through a socialist revolution, built a new society,
the very idea of passively trusting the leaders of society will be ludicrous.
Even under capitalist society we often see how once people can see that things
are changing and that their part in a project is meaningful and human, they find
incredible amounts of energy and enthusiasm and find ways of participating. Of
course, sooner or later capitalism crushes them. But when there is no
capitalism, not only will the economy be organized differently, human
personalities will develop differently. You are not gonna be able to fuck people
around the same.
John Mullen
SI France

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