Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 20:57:44 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Lisa portrait? -Reply marxism2 was in many ways Lisa's list -- her creation. Lisa, although the moderator of this list and previously a co-moderator of marxism1, was really relatively new to Marxist thought. She was still trying to pull it all together -- still learning and critical. As a Marxist, she was a very vocal anti-dogmatist. In some ways, she was more of a critical humanist, than a Marxist _per se_. Although her posts on science, OFPPS, chaos theory, forragers, et. al. will be long remembered, I believe that *Lisa herself* will be best remembered. Lisa: woman of humor, wit, caring, love. She will also be remembered for her organizational abilities and her unique ability to arbitrate disputes (of which I could say much more). She will be remembered as one of the pioneers of Internet Marxism. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 17:22:24 -0700 From: Lisa Rogers <> To: Subject: Lisa portrait? -Reply <snip> It was even closer when I had a perm, long ago. It's my cautious look, carefully sticking my head up... Thanks pal, Lisa &&&&&&&&& && ^ ^ && &&& -AT- -AT- &&& &&( ^ )&& -------------------oo00---------------------00oo------------------------------- | | | Your computer pal, Lisa | | | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to say more, but I'm in the process of getting drunk. Jerry --- from list ---
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