File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-02.060, message 102

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 22:51:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: book suggestions?

	I think Howard Zinn's People's History of AMerica (The U.S?) is
written at a pretty simple level.
	Malcom X's Autobiography is a great book on race relations, quite
	I suspect Reed is probably too hard. But you might try the abidged
version of Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution (1 vol, edited by F.W.
Dupee, o.p., but available in used book stores); the vocabiulary's
challenging, but Trotsky is a great storyteller.
	I wonder whether your son might like fiction better than factual
writing: I'm thinking of stuff like Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Thurston;
John Sayles, Marge Piercy (in particular Women at the Edge of Time and He
She and It), while we're on sci fi, why not William Gibson's Neuromancer
books?--try various things. 

	Do you read aloud, not just to him, but to the family?
	Maybe you could coordinate books with movies: if you have him read
Reed, watch Reds; if Malcom X's AUtobiography, the Spike Lee film.
	You don't have to stick with political stuff. My kinds (3 and 7)
love Shakespeare. We have to doa  lot of explaining the vocabulary, but
they will watch and listen to that stuff till they fall over.
	Books on tape might not be bad idea.


On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Peter Farruggio wrote:

> I'm looking for books to get for my 15 year old son to read
> He's a good reader, but turned off by school and doesn't "like" to read
> history because it's not the real stuff.
> So I'm looking for books that are interesting and real (radical), and not
> too complicated to read for a teen.  I was thinking of Ten Days That Shook
> the World, but I don't remember if Reed's writing was too sophisticated for
> a teen (I read it as an adult)
> Any suggestions that can get this kid turned on to reading and learning
> from books?
> Pete Farruggio
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