Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 13:08:53 -0500 (EST) Subject: M2 List I'd like to see M2 stay alive. I'd like to see more discussion of dialectics, Marx's philosophy, Ollman, evolution, theory, etc. The things Lisa Rogers discussed kept me tuned in to the group discussion. Ralph can be brutal sometimes but I like to know what he thinks. I'd contribute more but I'm interested in literary, philosophical and sociological stuff, finding my positions somewhere between Laclau and Mouffe, Marx and Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall. That puts me somewhere in the Cultural Studies camp, an academically oriented bourgeois son of the working class. I think most things I would write here would be taken as flame bait and everyone else who posts here debates so well and seems so well read that I don't think I'd be much sport. There are some things I've wondered about though in connection to this list: 1. What do people think of Stanley Aronowitz's _The Crisis in Historical Materialism_ (U. of Minnesota Press, 2nd ed.)? Colin MacCabe and Cornel West seem to like it quite a bit, but I know that there are quite a few people, considering the Sokal affair, who think Aronowitz is a chump, and a "smelly" chump at that. Is his TCIHM a crock? 2. What of voices on the Left such as MacCabe or West? Or Henry Louis Gates? Or Edward Said? The first two like Stanley's stuff, but why? Are there any reasons that they would publicly endorse his book? And the second two, while ethnically inflecting their critiques, are academic, some might say elitist. Would you say that they just aren't Marxist? or that they are only mildly Marxist sympathetic? and that therefore we should be very suspicious of them and their opinions? Don't they flirt too much with Foucauldian and Derridean procedures and terms in their analyses? It's hard to read Said without seeing the poststructural influence--if muted by his humanism. And Gates on the "signifying monkey" seems indebted to Derrida for his analysis of representation and racism. 3. Finally, THE NATION is the only "paper" on the Left that I'm subscribed to, and it's difficult to find any other analysis that's as good. I want to check out the Left Business Observer--someone want to send me a copy? But, what other daily or weekly papers or online magazines are people plugging into for current analysis of the media, politics, culture and the economy? Some of the magazines or newspapers I've seen from the Greens, or from Unions or from socialists or communists are hard to obtain and seem poorly written and reported. The problem I suppose is that it's hard to get good bourgeois journalism professionals to write in underfunded and understaffed communist and socialist newspapers. 4. So I guess one thing I'd like to see more of is political, cultural, economic and media analysis from people on this list: less fighting and dissing each other and more reporting on your local conditions. I guess that steers M2 a little more toward M1, but without the in-fighting. I suppose all this may sound naive. I don't follow every move the Spoons Hierarchs make or contemplate, and so there may already be a list that does what I'd like to read. If so, in the immortal words of SNL's Gilda, "Never mind." Van --- from list ---
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