Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 17:12:03 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: M2 List On Tue, 1 Oct 1996, vpiercy wrote: > 3. Finally, THE NATION is the only "paper" on the Left that I'm > subscribed to, and it's difficult to find any other analysis that's as > good. I want to check out the Left Business Observer--someone want to > send me a copy? But, what other daily or weekly papers or online > magazines are people plugging into for current analysis of the media, > politics, culture and the economy? Some of the magazines or newspapers > I've seen from the Greens, or from Unions or from socialists or communists > are hard to obtain and seem poorly written and reported. The problem I > suppose is that it's hard to get good bourgeois journalism professionals > to write in underfunded and understaffed communist and socialist > newspapers. The best source out there is still the Monthly Review for Marxist analysis of politics. It was the leading Maoist magazine in the 50s and 60s with Magdoff and Sweezy at the helm, but has now somewhat strayed from its Maoist roots yet it is still revolutionary and interesting. Its based in New York City, and also has an exception press outlet, the Monthly Review Press, that I recommend reading also. The Monthly Review can be found on the newstands and microfiche indexes at nearly every public library, and especially large universities like IU. Against the Current is still a great magazine also. It's published by the group Solidarity, but is in touch with the current of Monthly Review and the revolutionary, yet non-cult oriented, left. Former editors of this mag include Noam Chomsky, and Ernest Mandel. I also still like and read the New Left Review, and Radical Philosophy. Both are journals that advertise frequently in magazines like The Nation, and both have frequent contributors who are, or at least used to be, active on the Marxism List. There is also the infamous Social Text, which is published by the Duke school, and features such controversial characters as Stanley Fish and Aronwitz. I don't have a subscription to it myself. Another source that is similar to Radical Philosophy is Lingua Franca, which is a magazine that is definitively anti-pomo and is led by Scott McCleem who is occasionally active on the Marxism List. Both Lingua Franca, and Radical Philosophy are smaller and hard to find unless you subscribe, or have a left bookstore in your area. Against the Current, Monthly Review, and the New Left Review though should all be present at a school like IU. As for Left Business Observer I highly recommend it as a source for news. Though its more of a newsletter than anything its of exceptional quality, and worth the small price that Henwood asks for a yearly subscription. Mail him at .. Kevin Cols, Oh --- from list ---
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