Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 22:34:04 +0100 Subject: Re: M2 List At 01:08 PM 10/1/96 -0500, you wrote: > >I'd like to see M2 stay alive. So would I! I'm thinking of unsubscribing to M1 because of all the tosh that goes on there and I'd welcome a serious discussion here. I'd like to see more discussion of >dialectics, Marx's philosophy, Ollman, evolution, theory, etc. The things >Lisa Rogers discussed kept me tuned in to the group discussion. Ralph can >be brutal sometimes but I like to know what he thinks. I'd contribute >more but I'm interested in literary, philosophical and sociological stuff, >finding my positions somewhere between Laclau and Mouffe, Marx and Raymond >Williams and Stuart Hall. Why include Marx and Williams with these characters?!! >That puts me somewhere in the Cultural Studies >camp, Yep!! >an academically oriented bourgeois son of the working class. I >think most things I would write here would be taken as flame bait and >everyone else who posts here debates so well and seems so well read that >I don't think I'd be much sport. > >There are some things I've wondered about though in connection to this >list: > >1. What do people think of Stanley Aronowitz's _The Crisis in Historical >Materialism_ (U. of Minnesota Press, 2nd ed.)? Don't know it. >Colin MacCabe and Cornel West seem to like it quite a bit, but I know that there are quite a few people, considering the Sokal affair, who think Aronowitz is a chump, and >a "smelly" chump at that. Is his TCIHM a crock? > MacCabe has problems with basic Marxist concepts- see his intro to Jameson's _Geopolitical Aesthetic_. >2. What of voices on the Left [?] such as MacCabe or West? Or Henry Louis >Gates? Or Edward Said? The first two like Stanley's stuff, but why? Are >there any reasons that they would publicly endorse his book? And the >second two, while ethnically inflecting their critiques, are academic, >some might say elitist. Would you say that they just aren't Marxist? or >that they are only mildly Marxist sympathetic? and that therefore we >should be very suspicious of them and their opinions? Don't they flirt >too much with Foucauldian and Derridean procedures and terms in their >analyses? It's hard to read Said without seeing the poststructural >influence--if muted by his humanism. Said has been keen to distance himself from poststructuralism. But what *precisely* is wrong with coquetting with pomo's? > And Gates on the "signifying monkey" >seems indebted to Derrida for his analysis of representation and racism. Yep > >3. Finally, THE NATION is the only "paper" on the Left that I'm >subscribed to, and it's difficult to find any other analysis that's as >good. I want to check out the Left Business Observer--someone want to >send me a copy? But, what other daily or weekly papers or online >magazines are people plugging into for current analysis of the media, >politics, culture and the economy? Some of the magazines or newspapers >I've seen from the Greens, or from Unions or from socialists or communists >are hard to obtain and seem poorly written and reported. The problem I >suppose is that it's hard to get good bourgeois journalism professionals >to write in underfunded and understaffed communist and socialist >newspapers. > I'm in the UK and don't have ready access to either. > >4. So I guess one thing I'd like to see more of is political, cultural, >economic and media analysis from people on this list: less fighting and >dissing each other and more reporting on your local conditions. I guess >that steers M2 a little more toward M1, but without the in-fighting. > Double-plus yep. >I suppose all this may sound naive. I don't follow every move the Spoons >Hierarchs make or contemplate, and so there may already be a list that >does what I'd like to read. If so, in the immortal words of SNL's Gilda, >"Never mind." > The line I remember from Gilda is "If I were a ranch I'd be called the Bar Nothin!" Such silliness aside, lets hope we can have a serious debate. Russell --- from list ---
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