File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-02.060, message 143

Date: 01 Oct 1996 22:16:22 EST

          A  note  of amplification in response to Kevin's rundown of  left
          publications:  LINGUA FRANCA  is  not exactly a leftist magazine,
          and I  by  no means "lead" it.  LF  is  a magazine about academic
          life  and topics, the  best around for covering both developments
          in  the  institution  and  within  scholarship,  which  sometimes
          (often, really) means reportage on  ideas  and issues of interest
          to  the left.  Sokal revealed his SOCIAL TEXT  hoax  in  LF,  for
          instance.  At the same time, the coverage of conservatism is also
          quite good.   A forthcoming issue  will  have  an article on  the
          "paleoconservative" magazine CHRONICLES, for instance.

          I  write frequently for  LF,  and  am contributing editor,  which
          means in part that I  keep an  eye  out  for interesting stories.
          But lead?  Nope.  Over the  past year, I've done pieces on Thomas
          Pynchon, Jean baudrillard (his stupid  book  on  the  Gulf  War),
          Samuel Delany, and  I forget what all besides.  My output at  the
          magazine is falling off as  I work on  a book, butI'm supposed to
          do long pieces on Pierre Bourdieu and Kenneth Burke over the next
          few months, both of  them figures of interest to Marxism2 people,
          I hope.  The piece on Burke should be  out  to coincide with KB's
          centennary, next May.

          later, Scott

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