Date: 21 Sep 96 04:15:49 EDT Subject: the state redux & socialism dear justin, It seems your muddle on the nature of socialism & communism continues. You state in your reply to Adam/UK on 9/20 ".......I carefully avoided any ones (non-class conflicts-NC) that turned on the sort of disputes that arise in a socialist or any other market economy."............ The above is an oxymoron at best . Bonifide socialism is workers rule, without exploitation of person by person and ALL capitalist market relations are superceded by socialist mode of worker planned production for Human need, not for sale and profit. There is NO longer markets operative under socialist/communist relations of production. We don't even have money either, this too is phased out in the transition period. Markets imply buying and selling commodities, including the commodity human labor power, & capital accumulation with surplus value. This is capitalism still Justin so your confusions on this issue inevitably affect your reasoning denying the possibility of totally doing away with the political state under communism. I think you have some erroneous social democratic, liberal , etc. concepts of the basic social relations and laws of motion of welfare state and state--capitalist societies and are confusing this with workers socialism and communism! Justin S.,You are mixing used liberal Justin- oil and polluting the Communist waters. Neil --- from list ---
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