Subject: Rahul Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 15:27:29 +0300 Uh, right. Sorry. This is Zeynep here. Rahul is also here in Turkey. Right now he is using my account, but he'll pretty soon have his own account. (I make him swallow a chapter of Capital for the privilege to send each post.) As for me, I was out of town for three weeks. I had planned to be gone for three days, yet it turned out to be three weeks. I am still catching up. I will return to the list in a day or two. Real Zeynep >I don't get it. The following post was listed as being sent by Zeynep and >yet was signed (and sounded very much like) Rahul -- except perhaps for the >"comrades". > >Could someone, preferably Zeynep or Rahul, clarify, please? > >Cheers, > >Hugh > > --- from list ---
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