Date: 22 Sep 96 08:58:21 EDT Subject: Re: the state (fwd) Pablo Your English is fine.. better than my Spanish anyway. It's clear we don't agree about the state under communism. But what is most interesting about analyses is what proposals they point to to help tobring about theresult they want. In my opinion, the best guarantee that oppressive power will not come back after a revolution is in the clear and determined construction of revolution as mass action, an expericne inwhich masses of people learn what it's like to control collectively their own lives so that even if, say some guy came along and wanted to oppress the majority, they wouldn't accept it. Because statements about oppression coming back normally concentrate onthe minority looking for power, and tend to imagine the masses as passively accepting. In this way the theories reflectthe capitalist vision of the masses. But the most impressive thing about capitalism is how successful it is in keeping us passive and confused. If we spat all together we'd drown the capitalists. After a revolution, people willknow this. John mullen SI FRance --- from list ---
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