File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-02.060, message 46

Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 15:09:39 GMT
Subject: Re: the state (fwd)

Justin gets a really big shovel and keeps digging :

> Ecological reasons are only one reasons that scarcity will persist. In
> addition, there is the fact that positional goods will continue to be
> important: thesea re intrinsically scarce goods, those, like being first,
> that defined by the fact that other don't have them.

"Positional goods".

What are they ?
Radar ? A Compass ? A flashing light on your head to stop you getting lost ?


> > 
> > In particular, he disposes of your cheap jibe what Marx said
> > about the state in the Critique of the Gotha programme : Marx
> > as you well know, agreed with the anarchists about getting
> > rid of the state; he disagreed about getting rid of it immediately,
> > arguing that a workers state was necessary precisely in order to
> > bring about a classeless and stateless society and that as soon
> > as it came into existence it would start withering away. 
> > [ I'm sure you're knew this anyway ].
> Indeed I did. I don't know why you bring this up. I am not talking about
> the "interim" period of "the dictatorship of the proletariat" but about
> the time when classes have disappeared. We shall still need a state and
> law to arrive at and enforce collective decisions and resolve disputes. 
> --JUstin

You attempted to use Marx's arguments re:the dictatorship of the proletarait
in order to justify your own arguments re:communism.


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