Date: 23 Sep 96 15:46:22 EDT Subject: Re: the state redux & socialism No Pablo is wrong, Justin to see the seeds of stalinism in any conception of what postSrevolutionary society should be like. One of the greatest lies of the twentieth century is that stalinism was due to the programmatic forms of Lenin's party. But stalinisme did not come from anybody's correct or incorrect ideas of what socialism shoud be like. Stalinism came from massive material social forces : a tiny and decimated working class, a powerful international capitalism etc. This is essential. Dictatorships are never caused by the ideas in the heads of the parties who propose to organize or control government. To think they do is pure idealism. As for who will vote under socialism, this is a tactical question and so cannot be determined in advance. The more organized the working class is (in its widest sense) the less restrictions to anyone's rights will be needed. John Mullen SI France --- from list ---
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