Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 16:13:46 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: the state redux & socialism On 23 Sep 1996, jc mullen wrote: > This is essential. Dictatorships are never caused by the ideas in the > heads of the parties who propose to organize or control government. To think > they do is pure idealism. > John Mullen > SI France What grande determinism is shown by John Mullen of France who has just stated that "dictators don't even make themselves dictators." Instead, I presume, otherwise liberal individuals are driven by historical circumstances to open prison camps, and destroy their opposition. In the spirit of the great trumpeter Hugh Rodwell I ask our friend Mullen to SUBSTANTIATE! Tell us what circumstances drove Adolf Hitler to open the camps? You did say ALL dictators, did'nt you? Is this really a view of history that you defend, or did your fingers slip on the keyboard? Kevin Cols, Oh --- from list ---
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