Date: Tue, 24 Sep 96 08:57:00 GMT Subject: Re: the state redux & socialism Justin's attack on the Marxist idea of a workers state has a long pedigree. While of course it was used by reformists and outright pro capitalists during the era of the cold war, it actually goes further back than that. As I argued previously, a workers state is a tool to deprive the bourgeoisie of its rights, just as a democratic state is a tool that the bourgeoisie uses to deprive workers of their rights. This is really all that a workers state is, and this is precisely why as soon as it is established, it starts to whither away. Because the working class is a large class, and the largest class in society, this state will be the most democratic, in fact the only truly democratic [ in the sense of the imposition of the will of the majority onto the minority ] in history. Depriving, for instance, Rupert Murdoch of his right to free speech, and giving control of his newspapers to the workers that produce them, would be IMO one of the first tasks of any revolution. In fact, I don't even know whether or not Rupert Murdoch has a vote in Britain - the point is, this, for him, is the least important of his civil rights. As far as he is given civil rights, he will use those rights to reestablish a bourgeois dictatorship, with or without a democratic veneer. Of course there will be grey areas. I hope a new workers state could be as liberal as possible. Having said this, one of the earliest and worse mistakes was to let the counter revolutionaries captured in the winter palace go "on their word as gentlemen" that they would not plot against the workers state. Every single one of them went on to command one or other of the white armies. Can you believe it ? These people should have at least been deprived of their liberty and probably of their lives as well. My first answer is to the "how do you decide ?" question is that it is a political question. Are these people using these rights for the purpose of overthrowing the workers state ? How do we best prevent their success in the present political circumstances ? It's not a question of "how many shares do you own ?" or anything like that. My second amd most important answer is that it is not the party that decides, but the working class through its democratic, anti parliamentary, institutions created during the revolution itself. The health and vibrancy of this working class democracy is the only guarantee anyone can give about the potential decline of workers power and the rise of counter revolution, "Stalinist" or otherwise. But any abstract nonsense about giving the Rupert Murdoch's of this world any rights at all weakens workers democracy and strengthens all its enemies. Adam. Adam Rose SWP Manchester UK --------------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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