File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-02.060, message 68

Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 13:42:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: ACTION96:  For Coordinating Multi-campus Actions

Dear comrades:

I'm forwarding a post from the Action96 mailing list. As you can probably
tell from context, this is a predominately liberal list, but those of you
who are on or related to college and university campuses may find it a
valuable source of information.


>** PLEASE REPOST **                                    9/6/96
>We are writing to announce the ACTION96 mailing list, for planning
>coordinated actions at dozens of campuses, including a campaign to
>"Challenge the Lie$" justifying massive cuts in social spending programs
>while budgets for military and prison spending are increased.
>This is a participatory discussion, on which you ought to be able
>to find collaborators for joint activities or your own choosing.  300
>people are now subscribed and the list is now facilitated by Josh Marcus
>of the University of Pennsylvania (  You are
>invited to subscribe; you may unsubscribe at any time.
>1. TO SUBSCRIBE, send e-mail to:
>   with a subject of "canet" whose body just says:
>        sub action96 Firstname Lastname
>2. TO SEND A MESSAGE to the list, you must be subscribed.  E-mail it to:
>3. TO UNSUBSCRIBE, send e-mail to:
>   with a subject of "canet" whose body ONLY says:
>               unsub action96
>4. If the volume of mail on this list becomes too large, you can always
>   change your subscription to a "digest" (1 big message per day) by sending
>   e-mail to: with subject "canet" and body:
>        set action96 mail digest
>   To undo this use "ack" in place of "digest".
>   To suppress mail for the summer, use "noack" in place of "digest."
>5. For a list of Campus Activists' Network discussions, send email to:
>| CHALLENGE THE LIE$ | COME TO CAMBRIDGE, MA on Sunday, September 29       |
>|   Social Justice   | for Challenge the Lie$ Organizing Meeting. For more |
>|   Speaking Tour    | information call CCO or email to  |
>|  Bring a speaker to campus to counter mistruths about budget priorities. |
>|  Be part of a national tour involving over a dozen speakers, including:  |
>| *Helen Caldicott *Gene Carroll *Jonah Edelman *Michio Kaku *Loretta Ross
>| For a full list of speakers plus and an organizing packet, send $3 to:
>|                                                                       |
>CENTER FOR CAMPUS ORGANIZING, Box 748, Cambridge, MA 02142, 617-354-9363 |

     --- from list ---


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