File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-02.060, message 73

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 13:19:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: List Matters--PLEASE READ

Both Jon Flanders and Louis Proyect are pretty much right about the state 
of play with the marxism lists, however I'd like to add a little more 
information and some other thoughts.

Yes, there has been some delay in instituting marxism-international, and 
this has been something of a pity, but apparently unavoidable because of 
the difficulty in co-ordinating given people's real-life schedules.  Plus 
the death of Lisa did of course take everyone aback.

However, a number of new lists are on the horizon: marxism-international
and marxism-general being only two of these; marxism-and-sciences,
marxism-feminism, marxism-psychology, marxism-theory and
marxism-and-modernity, among others, are in various stages of emergence. 
With the spoon collective, I am trying to encourage *all* those involved
in constructing these new lists.  We would no doubt have liked to be
further along in this process of instituting the marxism space, but it
does seem better to do the job right if this means taking a little longer
than anticipated. 

On marxism-international specifically, as Jon said, Zeynep has 
been asked to write up a more formal proposal of what she and the other 
co-moderators want to see on this list, and we should be off the ground 
shortly thereafter.  When this happens, marxism-general will also be 
launched, and both marxism and marxism2 will be closed.

We are more than happy to hear other proposals for lists.  Essentially, 
this requires initiatives from people interested in forming and 
organizing such discussions, in whatever format and on whatever subject.  
I would welcome Louis and/or Doug organizing such an initiative.  Please 
send such proposals to, 
though of course either marxism or marxism2 are also good places to 
suggest and discuss such ideas at present.

If anyone has any questions, ideas, suggestions, please send them to me or
to marx-administration.  If you have suggestions for
marxism-international, it would probably be an idea to send them to
Zeynep, Jon and Louis (G)--though I suspect they have already heard a 
wide variety of opinions on the marxism list, and have a pretty good idea 
of what they want to see on marxism-international.

Yes, let's move on; this new marxism space is intended to accomodate all 
sorts of ideas and projects--again, please get in touch if you have a 
project for which we can help provide the resources.

Take care


Jon Beasley-Murray
Literature Program
Duke University

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