Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 20:43:52 GMT Subject: Re: Production of the Means of Production _Capital_, Vol II. The easiest way to find it is to waffle (wiffle?) through all of the pages with thumb and look for his mathematically-oriented discourse on the relationship between Dept. I (Production of the means of production) and Dept. II (Production of the means of consumption). Hope this helps. --tallpaul On Sep 27, 1996 13:37:35, '' wrote: >I'm hoping M2 can assist my friend Susan and me to >track down the place where Marx makes reference >to "Departments" or the production of the means >of production. > >This topic arose when she was studying the subject >of productivity and capital investment. We were >unable to find any reference in Capital Vol 1. Can >anyone point us in the right direction? > >Thanks so much for your indulgence. Please reply >privately if you don't want to waste M2 space. > >(Elisa) Gay Harley > > > >--- from list --- --- from list ---
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