File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-21.210, message 181

Subject: Re: preliminary report on marxism-international
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 96 10:12:00 EST

  >  From: Gerald Levy
  >  To: marxism2-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
  >  Subject: preliminary report on marxism-international
  >  Date: Monday, 21 October 1996 5:28AM
  >  Call it a lapse of good judgment or call it indigestion, but ...
  >  I joined marxism-international (in digest form).
  >  Here is my preliminary report:
  >  [.......vitriole deleted...]

Listen mate,

Why don't you set up a new list called marxism-jerry with you as sole 
moderator and a list membership consisting of you.

Then you will be able to initiate erudite threads that will stimulate you 
intellectually. You can then post learned replies and be able to compliment 
yourself endlessly about your brilliant contributions.

You can run list surveys of the list membership on the lists progress, and 
are sure of a thoroughly satisfactory result. In your spare time you can 
post private emails to yourself laughing about all those nasty people on the 
other lists. And while you're at it - what about initiating a new 
international "left" journal with a readership of 100,000's with you as 
editor and sole contributor.. etc. etc. etc.

Another mindless sectarian,

Tony Hartin

     --- from list ---


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