File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-21.210, message 47

Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 16:06:21 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: Re: M2 and "Marxism-Theory"

Tom wrote:

" It seems to me that the discussion on the state which has been going
on here qualifies as "theory", unless by "theory" you mean something
which can only be approached after reading at least one dozen books
containing many multisyllabic words. "

That has been my impression, too. In marxism "theory" isn't such an
abstract thing like in some other politico-philosophical "schools".
And it really seems that Spoons have decided to reassemble the marxism
space. Therefore I was eager to suggest "marxism-theory" list, as
continuation of m2: philosophy and cultural theory for Ralph, social
and economic theories for some others etc., and politics from
'theoretical' point of view to everyone.

" It should be remembered that at the same time the Russian Social
Democrats were publishing the paper _Pravda_ at the beginning of this
century, they also had a theoretical journal called _Zarya_ ("Dawn").
I don't know anyone who's ever read anything published in it.  Perhaps
there's a lesson here. "

People who lived at that time, and whom I knew, are all dead. But at
that time in Russia people read quite a lot and quite weird things.
German philosophy journals were published both in German and Russian..


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