File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-21.210, message 49

Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 10:11:35 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: M2 and "Marxism-Theory"

On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, j laari wrote:
> That has been my impression, too. In marxism "theory" isn't such an
> abstract thing like in some other politico-philosophical "schools".
> And it really seems that Spoons have decided to reassemble the marxism
> space. Therefore I was eager to suggest "marxism-theory" list, as
> continuation of m2: philosophy and cultural theory for Ralph, social
> and economic theories for some others etc., and politics from
> 'theoretical' point of view to everyone.
	Since Jukka and I have been suggested as possible moderators of a
marxism-theory list, I am inclined to agree wholeheartedly with the above
suggestion.  If reorganization is something that MUST ensue, whether we
like it or not, then simply collapse m2 into marxism-theory... we will
continue under the umbrella organization, and make marxism-theory the new
NAME for what we are already doing.  Surely we're not all nominalists
here, and some of us are essentialists deep down.  A name change should
not change the essence of what this list does, and hopefully, as part of
Spoons we will attract other, worthwhile thinkers.  I say this because it
appears as if we really don't have much of a choice as to whether or not
m2 is dissolved; so let's make the best of it, simply change our name,
follow the same general outlines, which of course entail theory (and by
extension, of course entail praxis, since no good dialectician sees a
contradiction between them), and get on with life.  It seems a pity to
waste so much time on something that we have little choice about.  As for
the shape that marxism-theory takes... that will be up to us.  Being a
libertarian myself, I'm all for spontaneous ordering.  :)
					- Chris
=================================================Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Ph.D
Visiting Scholar, NYU Department of Politics

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