File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-21.210, message 67

Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 18:10:46 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Who are these people

Ralph: I will calm down when I have been given reason to calm down. The
single act that got me riled to begin with was -- after many on this list
wrote posts that said that they wanted m2 to continue -- Jon, with the
heavy voice of authority, told us that m2 "will" be dissolved. And no one
on spoon-admin has said different since.

Hans D:

(1) I took your advice about joining marx-admin. The response that I
received follows this message.

(2) Of course, m2 was formed as an alternative to m1. Now that we will
have m-general, we will need an alternative to m-general *which is itself

(3) It's true that Lisa favored reorganization, but I find it impossible
to believe that she would have responded in the way that Jon did. It is
also the case that the proposals for reorganization have changed since
Lisa's death.

(4) You want us to talk about the strengths and weaknesses of m2. Form my
standpoint, there is and has been only one major weakness of m2. That
weakness is that we have a bunch of people from m1 who have joined our
list even though they oppose it (like Hugh) and have gone out of their
way to make m2 not succeed.

(5) How do we overcome this weakness? Reorganize m2 such that anyone can
join either m1 (and later marxism-gen) or m2 -- *but not both*.


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