File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-10-21.210, message 88

Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 04:14:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Who are these people?

Jon Beasley-Murray wrote regarding marx-admin:

> This is *not* an open list, therefore.  It is for those who moderate (or
> who shortly will be moderating) lists in the marxism space, for them to
> liase with each other, mostly about administration (hence the name).

(1) Hans D. -- I told you so. [... but I don't blame you: it was an honest
misunderstanding on your part, I believe].

(2) Is Doug H a moderator or soon-to-be moderator? Is Chris B a moderator
or soon-to-be moderator? I believe there are other people on marx-admin
who don't fit the criteria above as well.

(3) So how are decisions re proposals for new m-lists made?

> Jerry, I see you have just submitted a proposal for a new list.  When and
> if this proposal is more fully finalized, then you will be welcome on
> marx-administration, as indeed will anyone else in the same position.

Actually, I submitted a proposal for an old list.


     --- from list ---


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