File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/lisa, message 17

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 07:40:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re:  sudden death (fwd)

Lisa was the one of the first people in cyberspace I got to meet in
person. After many months of friendly private exchanges, we got together
in NY. She, like many people, was curious to see if I was as whacked in
person as I am in my email.

We spent several hours poking around used book stores and I lent her a few
dollars for a book on Marxism and anthropology. Months later she sent me a
check to repay me, even though the sum was negligible. Lisa was one of the
most honest, straightforward and caring people I have ever met, even
thought most of my knowledge of her was through this rather disembodied

I think the best tribute to her will be the type of sustained, intelligent
discussion that has taken place on this list today. That was her primary
goal in life, as is mine.


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