Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 12:35:21 -0600 Subject: Three meetings with Lisa I don't know if it appropriate to send the following as an obituary. But in email all rules are reversed. We know each other intimately, so we may as well face up to it, and use our joint wisdom to move forward instead of obstructing each other. Salt Lake City, 15. August 1996 At around 4 pm Lisa calls me on the phone. Although we work together on the internet and live in the same city, we usually don't talk, unless we accidentally meet on campus. Therefore her call surprises me a little, but I don't show it. On the phone, her deep melodious voice is even calmer, soothing, confident. She sounds like she is sitting in a leather chair in an orderly office overlooking the city and has everything under control. We are somewhat in a dialogue on the internet all the time, therefore it is easy and fun to continue the threads on the phone. And I am curious about her impressions about the other Spooners, whom she just had met in New York. After chatting for 20 minutes, I am getting ready to bring the call to an end, but she says the purpose of her call was to ask me if we could meet somewhere. Well, I am game, and less than an hour later we sit opposite each other in a cafe. Talking to her is like getting a private tutorial, densely packed with information about anthropology and genetics. She says, there are so many things to do; she wants to get done with one and get on to the next. Her experience of the internet is completely different than mine. She has lots of private conversations with list members, and a number of men have confessed to her to have a crush on her. I say, yes you are very charming on the internet. I am thinking: yes on the internet you are, but in real life I don't find you attractive. We get to the contentious issue of M2. I feel confident enough to tell her my honest opinion about it: it turned out to be a good thing because it kept people around who otherwise might have scattered in all directions, but I don't agree with how it was created, because it was white flight. Somehow she does not get this metaphor. I say working class people and activists were taking over M1 and the intellectuals just ran out, hoping their exodus would make it collapse. But she was working class, she said. I never had looked at her like that, but of course she is right. She tells me about her water cooler conversations with her Mormon colleagues. >From Mormon prejudices it is easy to get to talk about the sexual orientation of the list members. She tells me about homosexuals dear to her, but I don't tell her that my older daughter Ingrid is a lesbian. I also don't tell her why I don't have a car, although she had expected me to have one: because I am spending all my money so that the mother of my six-year-old can get an education as a medical practitioner. She moved to Alaska but I still love her. I offer Lisa to walk her home, only later realizing that it might be considered strange if a married woman is escorted to her home by a different man. But she does not seem to mind. Children play on the sidewalks. A colleague of mine, famous labor economist and staunch union supporter, elected to live in this same neighborhood because it was a solid proletarian neighborhood. Lisa gives me again this look when we say goodbye. Later I am thinking: no wonder so many gay men come out in their older years. When the intensity of the sex drive lets off, you notice that gender does make a difference. A few days later I declare on the Marxism list that I am gay. I don't say that this is the first time that I ever made this statement in public, but right after this I am sending an email to Ingrid "I came out!" Intrigued, Ingrid asks about the circumstances. I send her the message to which I had responded. She replies that apparently I did not do it because I had to but because I wanted to. I did it so that Lisa would understand. 31. August 1996 Lisa calls me again. No look this time, and this time we are walking the very beginning of Thayne canyon trail. She is walking very slowly. She had said something not very good about her health last time but I had not asked for further details. We come by a rock and I say: some kids must have painted it white. She looks at it and gives me a geological explanation, and she is probably right. She is telling me about her two years as a school teacher, how the administration was inert and obstructive to her initiatives, and how some students were disruptive. It becomes clear how she saw M1 as a re-run of her experience with the disruptive students, but when I call it to her attention, she says it never had occurred to her. We get to another rock and she wants to sit down. She is expecting great things from her human environmental ecology list. She says "as we are speaking, people are exchanging messages on the internet to invite the best researchers to this list." We go for dinner. Lisa had been reading what I had said on the Bhaskar list about Alice Miller. Sometimes a child is so bright that the parents think she has no problems and needs no support. Lisa was one of these children. When I say that her father did not protect her, I notice by her look that I struck a chord. I am often not aware of my own look with my distinguished white hair; she must see me as a father figure too. She is seeking out another father who is not protecting her. I tell her that she is very stubborn and changes her mind only when she has good arguments, and that Marxism needs peple like this. She likes this characterization. It is good to have someone to talk to about my coming out and my daughter Ingrid. Beginning of a friendship? September 10, 1996: Lisa calls again. She is a little apologetic; she knows that I call my 6-year-old on Tuesday and Thursday evenings half an hour before bedtime, but she will have me back before it is 7:30 in Anchorage. I agree to meet her, but not for dinner, only into the cafe, but I shouldn't have agreed. I am trying to find some time to get in touch with my own childhood traumas, using the Miller/Stettbacher method. It is the reversal of my usual workaholism in which I bury myself under work assignments so that I won't have time to experience my feelings. Accessing these traumas is difficult and protracted work, gently taking down one layer of defenses after another; it takes many years. I have softened up a bit over the Summer break and I want to make more progress. The quarter is starting in two weeks, and I am getting panicky that I am running out of time. The child next door is crying at night and during the day I hear angry, desparate protests. My own daughter Ingrid is studying psychology, the wrong kind of psychology as far as I am concerned. I had given her all the books by Alice Miller but she donated them to the Detroit Public Library. She does not want to hate her parents, but she said maybe those books will be helpful to others in Detroit. The mother of my 6-year-old had alcoholic parents and every kind of abuse you can think of. I myself was an unwanted child, born in Germany in 1944, and to the horror of my father I was the classic faggy kid you read about in jokebooks. We are trying to protect our 6-year-old from our own legacies, and I think we are doing much better than I did with my older daughter Ingrid, where I was completely unaware of the poison I was full of and that I was passing on. Yet the only way to do it right is to finally work through one's own traumas, to confront those feelings squarely, which constantly simmer in the background and which detract from my intelligence and zap my productivity. I want to start a pseudonym mailing list for those who are trying to go through the same therapy, I want to publish my own experiences; but for this I feel I should make more progress myself. A safe and effective therapy which people can do themselves can be an important political factor. I feel I have a job to do, and I am taking my responsibility towards my children seriously, but mainly I am looking inward and I have very little extra love to give. I went, but I was resentful. No wonder we ended up discussing those issues which we could never agree on, although we had been discussing these things for years. She *is* stubborn. Lisa said she did not see that dialectic was necessary; all that was needed was good science. I tried to bring emergence as an example. I conceded that to my knowledge no case of emergence has ever been properly explained, but there must be something like it, the world must be open. Otherwise, there would be no free will. She says: free will, she went through that several times before. I am not saying that a person can do anything they want, am I? Of course not, one cannot violate the laws of physics. So, she concludes, there is free will, and there isn't. I burst out in aggressive laughter, saying, suddenly you turn dialectic. She answers: wash your mouth. We also discussed M2 again. I am starting it, with an attack: there hasn't been much traffic on M2 lately. Well, she hasn't had the time to push the discussion forward. It turns out she felt responsible to please the subscribers and foster the threads *they* would like. It seems this was a theme throughout her life. She mentioned again the love letters she is getting per email. She even mentioned a name; someone who doesn't seem to think it is worth our while reading his trenchant observations unless he can insult at least 5 people from various backgrounds at a time. Five days later she died. I wish I had been kinder to her. Lisa's warmth should be an example for us all. Various people have been hinting lately in their discussions with me. I have been disregarding these hints because I was quite sure of my theoretical position and the class position I was defending. I think now I understand what they want. They want me to join them not only intellectually but also emotionally. I did not join Lisa although she wanted me to. Next time I will do better, I promise. Hans Ehrbar. --- from list ---
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