File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/lisa, message 44

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:38:02 -0400
Subject: Thoughts on Lisa's Passing

When I read the first posting on Lisa's death, my response was unbelief. It
must be someone's very sick idea of cyberhumor, I thought. Gradually, it has
sunk in. All of us had our own relationship with Lisa, and it is that
particular relationship which shapes our individual horrors. I don't think we
hit it off immediately on the Marxism1 list, but over time our respect and
care for each other grew. When Marxism2 began, I found us drawing closer and
closer. When Lisa visited New York in early summer, we arranged a
face-to-face meeting, but traffic and a few other problems unique to this
city delayed me long enough to miss her, and I ended up speaking to Ralph for
the better part of the morning. I e-mailed Lisa, and promised to take her on
a tour of Brooklyn's African fabric shops when she returned -- a love we both
shared, I learned from my talk with Ralph. She came back to New York during
the summer, but unfortunately while I was away at the AFT convention. It
seemed then like this was just missed opportunities, the product of at least
one life (my own) which is so full of many responsibilities that the simple
pleasures of human existence and fellowship are often denied. I don't have
the words to describe the sense of void and loss I feel now that I know we
will never meet. Discussions of Marxism seem to pale against the loss of this
fine comrade.


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