File spoon-archives/method-and-theory.archive/method-and-theory_1997/method-and-theory.9710, message 266

From: "Tracy Rudd" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 18:10:16 1200+
Subject: Knowledge, Power, and Sexism


The canon which I was marking out is but another example of how 
knowledge has become bounded by gender. true, there are female 
academics - but will they ever become immortalised, respected, 
turned into humans with god-like status?

Universities in NZ still have a small proportion of women academics- 
not because New Zealand women are lacking in intelligence, but 
because they are hassled about their ideas and ways of viewing 
subjects in a way different from the canon writers. Pressure to 
conform to these canon ideas is strong even at undergrad level.

My question is/was: should the canon be allowed to control 'us'- or 
should 'we' control the canon?

Should knowledge of a particular type (logical), and arguments of a 
particular type (empiricist) be privledged over others?

Its that old reason over intuition thing again! No-one takes 
alternative ways of thinking 'seriously' in academia- could it be 
that it's because women are the proponents of change to the 
'time-honoured' systems?


I notice that there are not many women active in this list- I wonder 
why that is. Perhaps women have been made unwelcome by this list- dEx 
certainly did not help in making women welcome by the predominantly 
male list members. Her actions were a terrible shaming to her sex and 
seemed to declare 'open season' on anyone- but especially if they are 
openly female in their posts. (What is wrong with Xena I have to 

On the other side, private e-mails from women on the list or 
who have recently unsubscribed suggest to me that this list acts only 
as a 'debate' space for those willing to tow set ideological lines 
and engage in behaviour not acceptable were we all standing in the 
same room together.

I gave the list another chance to 'come right' a week ago, I expect 
to receive more 'hate mail' tomorrow morning because I honestly do 
not think that my above argument will be taken seriously. I have 
promised some of the women who unsubscribed to 'keep an eye on the 
list' to see if it ever 'gets better' and will report to them at the 
end of the week.

"I am just going out.... I may be some time."



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